DAF Donor Survey

A national survey of donors who use donor advised funds.

National Survey of DAF Donors

Millions of people are now using donor advised funds. To better understand how and why people are using DAFs for their charitable giving, the Donor Advised Fund Research Collaborative is conducting a national survey of DAF donors.

The purpose of this study is to gather data on DAF donor demographics, giving strategies, motivations, and related topics. The resulting report will provide valuable insights about DAF donors and shed light on the patterns and variations in DAF activity observed in the National Study. It will also provide guidance on best practices for engaging DAF donors, which will have direct implications for DAF practitioners and professional fundraisers.

Understanding the importance of donor privacy, all information gathered in this project will be completely anonymous. DAF sponsoring organizations who choose to participate in this study will be asked to distribute an anonymous survey link to their donors.

Learn more, or indicate your interest in joining the work below.